Katie Bullied
Staff Spotlight: Catherine Dorian
Catherine grew up in Northborough, MA and after five years of teaching in Montana and Vermont, returned home to the Worcester area. She currently teaches at Notre Dame Academy and practices writing regularly.
When asked about Girls on the Run, Catherine was thoughtful in her response, likening the act of writing to running. "I joined Girls on the Run because I believe that, like reading and writing, running can be the tool that faciliates girls' self-development. I love to run for the same reasons I love to write, for both require a balance between independence and community, between humility and grit."
Additionally, Catherine notes that contributing to "the sustainability of our program" is a crucial reason she's involved. "When we build up girls, we teach them that they can be become leaders and changemakers; they become proactive women of Worcester County.
"I know that when girls realize they are limitless, they become resilient, confident women, eager and ready to do right by themselves and the world."
When Catherine isn't working or particpating in GOTR, you can find her writing, hiking, or writing lesson plans at a coffee shop in the Worcester area!
Follow Catherine and see for yourself why we are thrilled to have her as part of the GOTR Worcester County team; her LinkedIn profile can be found here, and you can see more of what she's up to over on her website.